problems with new G4 dual processor


My company just bought 2 of the new G4 dual processor MACs and I'm having some problems I've never had before.

#1 When I'm booting up off a Norton CD (OS 9) the hard drive doesn't mount. So this has happened to me before and I opened up Drive Setup and then I would see the hard drive on the bus. Well the hard drive isn't there. I only see the SuperDrive. So how can I fix the HD if I can't even see it?

#2 Using BootCD to boot to 10.1.5. It doesn't see the HD either!? I'm going to try v0.5 which was released today to see if it makes any difference.

#3 Booted up off a FireWire HD in OS9. Still...can't see the HD. I'm installing another FireWire HD with Jaguar to see if that will work.

#4 The HD has 10.2.1 and 9.2.2 on it. I was in 10.2.1 fine. Classic runs fine. I change the startup disk to 9.2.2. and I get the blinking folder/question mark icon on startup. I restart and hold down option. It is only seeing 9.2.2 on the HD. Why won't it see 10.2.1???

I put a second HD in the G4 and boot into 10.2 on that. I go to startup disk and I can see both 9.2.2 and 10.2.1 on the original HD. Why won't it recognize it when I boot up and hold down option?

more problems to come.
So I installed Norton SystemWorks 2.0 and ran Live Update. I installed it on the second hard drive since I can't do anything on the partition you boot up from. Hopefully this will fix some problems on the first HD.
Thank you all so much for your replies :p

There are 3 busses in the new G4's
-33 for the CD/DVD (no more internal ZIPs)
-66 for HD number 3 and 4
-100 for HD number 1 and 2

I put the HD onto the 66 bus and voila. When I boot off the Norton CD or a FireWire HD I can see the hard drive! Now I can actually do what I want.

OS 9 won't boot up from the 100, it will from the 66 which is very wierd but it only shows the partition that I booted from, not the other 2 that are on the same disk.

I also can't install FileMaker Pro 6. It says there is only 8mb of RAM - there is 2gb!!! I put back the original 256mb and then it installed fine - I guess it doesn't like the RAM.
zap your PRAM by restarting and hold down
ALT+Apple key + P +R
until you hear the startup chime/sound again...

(thats my answer for everything ;-)
I'll give it a try.
Stuffit Standard 7.0 won't install either. When OS 9 boots up and from the Norton CD it say there is something wrong with the built in memory. Runs fine in X though
holy sh|t!
The PRAM thing worked. I forgot about that trick. Now to see if it works on the other Dual Processer
wow, i thought he was being sarcastic! zapping the pram really fixes everything!
Well, actually..on that note, I seemed to be having this wierd issue where when i surfed porno sites all these popups were coming up when using ie5.2.2 under osx10.2.1 and then i zapped my pram and viola, all gone. lmfao :p
there you go!
last week i didn't understand third-order differential calculus, but today i zapped my pram and bang! i can integrate circles around third dimensions! i owe it all to zapping my PRAM!