Problems with sound - codec issues


Recently when I play movie clips I stopped getting any sound. This happens with wmv files and realplayer streams (eg from the BBC). When I open a wmv file, that previously played OK, I get the message:

"This file may not play correctly because it was compressed by using a codec that is not supported"

I have recently downloaded and tried out a couple of audio and video apps but then dumped them. Since then I have had these problems. I assume that I have changed something in my system but I don't know what. I want to put things back as they were.

I have a G5 IMac 2.1MHz (ISight). I have had Macs for a long time and managed to "tinker under the hood" to the extent that I was the local Mac guru. I have been using OS 9.2 but I got OS X recently and to tell the truth it is difficult to adjust to it. Any suggestions of a good book to explain it (I suppose the issue is that I don't really understand what is happening with the Unix side of things)