ProjectBuilder won't launch - please help


I thought I would give this Cocoa thing a go so since I had the Developer Tools already installed, I sat down with my Currency Converter Tutorial and was ready to get started.

As per the instructions, I opened Developer/Applications and double-clicked on ProjectBuilder to start my new project.

ProjectBuilder's icon appeared in the dock...for 1 second...then disappeared--unlaunched.

I've now reinstalled Developer Tools to no avail and am not a very happy Cocoa developer (OK, so I've never programmed anything in Cocoa but if this is my intro to programming the Mac, I'm not getting a very good first impression).

Please help me. Please.

I had the same problem. So did many others. I know because there are several threads on this forum describing the problem and the solution.

Try this thread: "help! PB quits on opening" .

To save you some reading though:

Diagnose the problem by launching PB with the Console (Applications/Utilities/Console) open. You will probably see an error message about the lack of a JavaKit directory.

If this is your problem, then download Pacifist, a really nifty app which allows selective installation from packages, and install the missing JavaKit from the DevTools package.

It worked for me, and many others.
