Projecting Photos MacBookPro DVI to HDMI

Steve Poland

I purchased a high quality DVI to HDMI cable, and connected directly from the MacBookPro to a Panasonic widescreen HDTV. With the TV's input selection to HDMI, the supernova screen background of the mac came up instantly on the TV. However none of the other desktop elements showed.

When I started a slideshow from Aperture2, The slideshow did project, however it only showed every other photograph. I'm not certain this was consistent, at times it seem to be skipping even more images.

This was with the interval set to a short disolve, and 2 seconds interval. I thought perhaps the files were just taking longer to upload than the interval, so I changed to 4 second interval. This didn't help. I tried the Manual advance option, and it would not project at all in this mode.

I recalled the Apple store guy who suggested this would work, also mentioned Front Row as a software that would allow projection through this means of the active desktop. But on line I see no mention of Front Row in the Apple Store, and while there are lots of reviews, I saw no where to actually purchase the software. I did see upgrade downloads, but no full versions.

Any suggestions?

Steve Poland