Pure Speculation PowerBook


Staff member
I've been working the whole day (well, it's 15.23h here) out on the street in front of the old town house I live in, sitting on my beach seat (which is made of aluminum with black seating, I'll post a picture sometime - it fits my TiBook perfectly), using the net through AirPort. I've been doing this the past few weeks, whenever there was no rain. Some very positive things have come to my mind over this time: 1) It's great to be a webdeveloper and writer of short stories - I can work at home (or outside of it). 2) WiFi is the greatest thing since Pepsi One, which is called Pepsi Max over here - and I'm having one right now. 3) I've found three new customers for small websites in the time I've spent here outside, which is great, as money is always good.

There are, however, also drawbacks: 1) I need to go back to my rooms for half an hour whenever the Ti's battery is running low. Of course, you should make pauses between your work, but I'd rather spend them down here, closing my eyes for a few moments. 2) The TiBook is getting too hot after a while. 3) I can work longer if I reduce the processor speed in the Energy Saver part of Sysprefs and most of the time I don't actually need those 200 MHz (the 500 MHz TiBooks scales down to 300 MHz in low power mode). 4) The display should definitely be brighter AND use less power.

The latter 4 points tell me that my next PowerBook should have the following niceties:

1) Better batteries. This is important.
2) Lower heat for my lap. I want to be a father someday.
3) I want a PowerBook that uses a Sahara G3 @ 1 GHz or higher. I don't need AltiVec most of the time and the G3 uses *much* less power and gets less hot.
4) Why not try to use a reflective LCD like Palm uses with the m515 (and Sony with their color PDAs)? It's not really good for color design work, but as I have to *think* in Pantone and web colors anyway, because *no* LCD is true-colour enough, I wouldn't care and rather have a display that can make use of the surrounding light. If you use your Ti- or iBook out in the sun right now, your screen is basically just black. Straylight isn't much better either.

Now those points make me think even MORE different(ly).

I want to have my TiBook up in my office, sending and receiving screen data to another notebook that is nothing more than a dumb terminal displaying my Desktop of the Ti and taking input from a keyboard and trackpad. All WiFi, of course. This one would have the reflective LCD screen with washed out colours, the Ti would still be the powerhorse it was before.

This *should* be feasible, right? And wouldn't it be great? At least for me?
If you've ever used VNC (Virtual Network Computing) or Timbuktu, you know the joys of being able to see and control one computer's desktop from another computer... However, you also know that using it with AirPort is pretty dang slow. Large things show up in 32x32 pixel blocks. Granted, it's a nice capability, but using it from day to day might get annoying. There's a little lag in what you see. If WiFi gets faster, then it would be even more appealing. But I like the idea of a dumb and cheap tablet terminal. I think we're getting closer to that... especially since the next release of OS X (Jaguar), is going to include handwriting recognition.
VNC, Timbuktu and others all are kind of 'old'. What about MPEG-4? Could QuickTime 6 be used for streaming the desktop to the Terminal?