Pygame in Mac OS X 10.4


Hello all!
I'm new to Mac Forums but an old hand at Mac OS X and slightly more experienced with Linux/UNIX.

I've been developing a 2D gaming engine in pygame in both Gentoo (x86) and Ubuntu 6.0 (PPC) Linux. I'm reaching a stage where I should/could/will have something worth looking at (read: Downloadable) for a video game in another 3 months.
I have tested my code in Linux, Windows (VMware'd for now) and would love to continue development in Mac OS X (Xcode is very sexy).

Only problem is neither Darwin Ports or Fink have it in their repositories; and the current state of Portage for OS X is a joke (not that I could maintain better mind...).

Now I'm desperatly for a way to make Pygame run on Mac OS X I had stumbled upon the following: -

Whilst the MacPython site lacked information needed for success with Pygame, had a wealth of packages.

This link suggests installing TigerPython23Compat for's packages, but still no luck.

If any of you have succesfully installed and run pygame on Mac OS X 10.4 or later could you please posts your exact steps, thanks.