Quark 5.01 out now...Not OS X Native yet:(


Professional Crastinator
How long do we have to wait? I sure am glad I don't use it very often if at all anymore. I hardly use page layout anyways, I mainly use Photoshop and Illustrator and the occational InDesign. I just think that Quark has not been very good about updates ever and I think it is time that they realise people are starting to dump their product because of lack of OS X compatibility.
dude if you use Photoshop and Illustrator why the hell would you still kill yourself and do work in Quark. InDesign is the bomb. I've been using it for 15 months now since 1.5 and 2.0 is just so much better. I'm guessing Quark is going to need a major rewrite to be OS X native. 5.0 is a joke. It should have been called 4.2
Actually, my aunt owns a company and she's very nervous about changing her software. She has no intention yet to switch to InDesign, but I'll convince her in the end. OS X compatibility is my key weapon for doing so. She worries that InDesign cannot open old Quark documents, is tthis so? If it can it'll make my job a LOT easier.
It'd be great seing them use OS X computers...they even have to use OLD mice(those beige ones) cause they only have old dongels to run Quark...

Quark are shooting themselves in both feet, it's like they don't even try any more.
it's like the economy, like a wave that goes up and down

Aldus PageMaker was riding high and then it was Quarks turn and now InDesign is gaining grown and Quark will plummet. May be they will go under and may be another company with start another product.

InDesign is OS X native but that shouldn't be a factor in anyone switching. If you use Photoshop and Illustrator you should use InDesign. It will make your life so much easier and you will get jobs done faster since you can do things in InDesign (thanks to Illustrator and Photoshop stuff that is added in) that you will NEVER be able to do in Quark without spending hundreds on plugins.

About converting Quark documents. I quit working at a Kinko's this last year and we hated Quark. We were using PageMaker for all our work and then we finally had a manager with a brain and we switched to InDesign and a PDF Workflow. Quark documents were a minimum of a 24 hour turnaround plus $75/hr to PDF them so we could actually use them. We would just open the files in InDesign and usually tweaked a couple things and PDFed the files in a quarter of the time it was taking us in Quark. We had nightwares trying to PDF quark files. Every time we'd create a .ps there something wrong after we disilled it. Plus Quark will only go up to 42" and that doesn't help when we were printing stuff 3 feet by 12 feet.
I'm not the one who needs convincing, I know InDesign rules and I also see that Quark has lost all will to improve. Unfortunately, whatever she swtches to will have to be backwards compatible with the work she has done till now. Is there a way or is it not?
Does she want/NEED to switch, or is it you that wants her to switch...and why? "Quark sucks" is not an answer. Contrary to popular belief, Quark is fine. It's just a BashQuark movement going around just because it's not carbon.

I work in prepress, and have no problem distilling Quark files to PDF, anyone with a brain can do that...unless you work at a Kinko's or InstiPrint, I guess.