Hello, this is my first time posting here. I hope I have the correct forum.
I am busy rolling out OSX here and unfort, we have to keep Quark for the time being. We run Quark 4.11 in Classic Mode running on OS 10.2.6.
When I go to export to PDF within Quark, Quark just gags and stops. It does not bring down the classic enviorment. I have tried to clear out the Quark pref's. The machine is running Adobe Distiller 4 and 5. I have it pointed to 4 b/c some of the out put from 5 does not look good.
Maybe someone can help me with this?
Thanks for your time.
I am busy rolling out OSX here and unfort, we have to keep Quark for the time being. We run Quark 4.11 in Classic Mode running on OS 10.2.6.
When I go to export to PDF within Quark, Quark just gags and stops. It does not bring down the classic enviorment. I have tried to clear out the Quark pref's. The machine is running Adobe Distiller 4 and 5. I have it pointed to 4 b/c some of the out put from 5 does not look good.
Maybe someone can help me with this?
Thanks for your time.