Question about backing up a folder of videos...


Think Different
Got kinda a weird question. I want to reformat my hard drive and reinstall OSX & Bootcamp. My question is, I have a bunch of videos I need to save. I have yet to put them on DVD and I don't want to lose them. I have a file of 126.34 GB on Disk. I was wondering if it would be possible to partiion a part of my hard drive, and put just thoses files on there, and then be able to format without losing the videos? If not I guess I'll just start working on putting them to DVD and when I am done I'll reformat but, it'd be cool if that was possible.

Personally I'd either span them over a bunch of DVDs (Toast will do this for you) or better I'd invest in an external HD and put them there while you reformat.

I'm not sure if you could do what you describe, but frankly I'd be nervous about it going wrong, and if i was concerned about keeping the video, I'd spring for the HD.

(PS- I have faced this, I have almost a terabyte of data on a stack of external drives and i spend many weekends writing it out to DVD in sections, in fat i do 2 copies of each disk for security)
Yea I hear ya, it's all my home videos I got the last time I went to North Caronlina to visit my mother last December. I've just been lazy. Maybe it's time I make the stupid DVDs eh?

I have to make 5 copys of each DVD

One for me, my mother, my brother, my sister, and a backup. So there will def. be secerity messures taken.

If anyone does know how to do it w/o buying an external hard drive please tell me. But I might want to buy one anyway.