question about iTunes library and remote


I too am a recent convert to the mac way of life. I've been using macs at school for 2 years now, so the switch wasn't *that* shocking, but I have come across a few questions thus far:

I imported all my music to iTunes, from a variety of sources (pc hard drive, external drive, iPod) to create a single, unified library. This should total approx 35 gigs, but iTunes only lists 25 gigs in it. I don't know what music did not import, and there is enough room on my hard drive. 95% of the files are .aac or .mp3, with a handful of .wav - which iTunes on my windows machine automatically converted. All of this music has been in iTunes on my windows machine, but not all at one time. My next idea was to delete the library, put all the music on my external drive (which I should do anyway, I don't want my entire macbook hard drive full of music) and reimport the whole library. Beyond that, any ideas about why iTunes didn't import everything?

Also, does the included remote have a battery? I assume so - what do you do when it dies? Any expected battery life?

You may see slightly different sizes of files/folders on different computers due to different hard drive capacities. A file that takes up x amount of space on one hard drive may not necessarily take up exactly the same amount on another drive. The reasons are highly technical in nature, so I won't go into it.

However, a difference of 10 GB likely means that files are missing. If you open iTunes on the Mac and go to the preferences, click on "Advanced", there is a check box that says "Copy files to iTunes Music folder when added to library". If this box is NOT checked when you import songs, those songs are not copied to the iTunes music folder. Instead they are left where they are whether that be another folder on your computer (like your desktop) or another hard drive.