Quicksilver 933 - fans change speed - fault?


My Quicksilver 933 has been in daily use for 4 years or so. Recently the cooling fans have started to speed up for a couple of seconds and then return to the "normal, but still noisy" state. Speed change is not great, and cycles every 30 seconds to a minute. But it is noticeable and annoying. Until now I've never heard the fans change speed.

Only recent change is the upgrade to 10.4.5 and the installation of Firefox.

Should this happen? If so, where do I start looking? Inside if pretty clean. It was given a good dusting at Christmas, but the speed change has only started in the last few days.
It's possible that a setting in Energy Saver needs to be changed. The same happens with my iMac G5 when it's undergoing a lot of load...the fans start to kick in. Once it's done doing that intensive work, it slows down.
Thanks for that.

I don't know what I did apart from just moving all the settings on Energy Saver one notch. The speed cycling hasn't happened for 30 mins now :)