I have a Powerbook G4 that is about 4 years old. It is running Mac OSX 10.3.9 and Quicktime 6.5.1. I can not upgrade to a newer version of Quicktime as the newer versions will not work with my version of Final Cut. So I must work with Quicktime 6.5.1.
Suddenly Quicktime will not launch. It asks if I want to send a report to Apple. I have been told to try to trash the preferences. Is this a fix and how is it done? Or... what else can I do? If I try to reinstall Quicktime it will be a newer version and that will not work.
Suddenly Quicktime will not launch. It asks if I want to send a report to Apple. I have been told to try to trash the preferences. Is this a fix and how is it done? Or... what else can I do? If I try to reinstall Quicktime it will be a newer version and that will not work.