QuickTime Streaming from QTSS/DSS


Hello All:

I am running a local Webserver+QTSS/DSS on a vanilla Dual processor G5 (Mac OS 10.3.9 see specs below). Someone attempting to play a QT streaming movie received the following error message:

"Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (rtsp) isn't associated with any program" :confused:

Question: What should I look at to solve this problem/error message!

Any clues or help is very much appreciated! ;)

Indepth info:
The .mov file is 17.2MB, 2min 56sec long, dimensions 270px x 206px

I used the following settings to compress the movie for web delivery:
Compression: Sorenson Video 3
Quality: Low
Key fram rate: 24
Frame rate: 12 fps
Bitrate: 128 kbps
Filter: HSL Balance
Saturation: 108

Format: IMA 4:1, Sample rate 32kHz, Channels: Stereo (This is a music video)

Hinted Streaming checked with settings:
Payload encoding: Unknown, Packet size: 1450, Packet duration: 100, QT Metadata interval: 1000ms, Repeat Pakets: 4 Repeat interval: 1000ms

Bandwidth of high-speed internet connectio:
384 kbps Up 3000 kbps down DSL router/modem not NATS implemented
local server IP is public with Firewall from Mac OSX
Firewall Port settings: 554 TCP, 7070 TCP, 6970-9999 UDP, 8000-8001 TCP

My Webserver is;
Darwin System: 7.9.0 for PCC Power Mac
Apache Server API vers. 1.3
MySQL vers 4.1.11-max
PHP 5 (Zend Engine v2.0.4-dev)

I hope this wasn't TMI!

