Quicktime Streaming Server help


OK, first off this app kicks major ass, and it's free. So here is my problem. I have a servers set up and running on my dual 500 G4. I can connect to it no problem from iTunes on the same machine. I can also connect fine from my roommate's computer on our LAN. When I go to work, I can connect but it will only play as far as it buffers itself. I tried this on my beige G3 and a PC running Windows Media Player. They both had no problem connecting, but would stop playing after the buffer had played. What is the problem? Any help would be appreciated.
I have the EXACT same problem. Setup is running stupendously - testing it over my local LAN. A friend of mine on the outside (internet) - gets about 9-14 secs of audio and that's it. Note - it is NOT rebuffering it is actually killing the stream in the player.

I wonder what could be happening?