

Recycle Me!
hrm... i wonder... eventually i'm going to get a quicksilver g4 (or whatever is out when i finally get the funding). i intend to take the hard drive i added to this beast out, and put it in the new one, and i was wondering if i'd be able to do the same with the ram modules i added... is this possible? do the new quicksilvers use the same type of ram my agp does?
No, the bus spped in the newer ones is faster (PC100 in your Sawtooth, 133 in the new Quickslivers).

You'll need new RAM.
Originally posted by unlearnthetruth
grr... i figured as much... oh well - at least i can salvage my hd - woohoo

thanks for the info!


Well, if you're really into mac modifying, you could clock the bus on the QS down to 100 MHz and set proper multipliers on the CPU card :D

Ehm, go and get some 133 MHz RAM ;) :D