Random question about CDR's and MP3's....


Hi there. I heard that there is a way to put over a hundred mp3's on one CDR, because Mp3 files are actually quite small, and normal CDR's can hold 700 MB. :confused:
Is this true and if so, how does one do this?? Thanks so much. Have a gr8 day.
Well, basically you just "put them" there. The disc is going to be a data disc which contains the files. In iTunes, in the burning preferences, you can choose what iTunes should do if you burn a CD. If we're talking 128 kbps MP3s, you're going to roughly get 10 CDs onto 1 CD.
However: That disc won't play in a normal CD Audio player - unless it's capable of decoding MP3 files.
make a playlist in itues that does not exceed 680mb. when full (or you have all you want), it should have about 800 ish songs in it. maybe over 1000. put a cd-r in your mac and either

a) select all the songs and drag them onto the icon on the desktop of the cd, and press burn, or

b) in itunes preferences, set burning to MP3 cd, instead of Audio CD. then hit burn on the playlist.
I think you added a zero too many, Lt. ... 80 ish songs. Maybe over 100 would be more accurate. Like I said above, 128 kbps MP3 is about a tenth the size of audio on an Audio CD.
Measuring in "songs" is a bit confusing, since a "song" is not an actual unit of measurement. ;) Let's just put it this way instead: 700MB will hold a little more than 740 minutes of audio encoded at 128kbps (about 9.25 times as much as normal audio CD).

So if your average song length is 4 minutes (and 128kbps), as all marketers seem to assume, you'll be able to store 740/4 = 185 songs.