Reading a File > 2gigabyte on A DVD-R backup


I have been making backup copies of files from my raid array onto dvd-r's with roxio toast, and may have shot myself in the foot. One of the files I put on a dvd-r yesterday is 2.01 Gigabytes.
I cannot drag this file off the dvd-r to any drive with the mouse in the finder, unix command line tools, such as 'cat' and 'cp' won't work, they stop at exactly 2 gigabytes, 2*1024*1024*1024,
as does a program I wrote using fread() and fwrite(). When I do a getinfo on the file it shows me that the entire filesize of 2.01 gigagbytes is
there, though this may be an illusion, but I cannot figure out how to get it off. Are there any 64 bit file I/O api's? The getinfo for the dvd itself says the filesystem is Mac OS Extended. And I was starting to suspect that it might be a problem with the file system on that dvd-r simply not allowing me to read past 2 gig, in which case I'm hosed aren't I? sigh. I suspected that because I drag 22 gig andl larger DV files around in the finder with my mouse from one drive to another and it does it just fine.
Any ideas anyone? Can I get this file intact off of this dvd-r in any way? It is a very large webserver log file.
