reading from excel



I have the following problem.
1> how to read from excel in php and echo it.
The excel is in the following format.
customerID workflow.
CustID1 went to email
- then to web
- surfed page1
- brought something
- closed the browsr

CustID2 went to web directly
- browsed page1
- then browsed page 2
- closed browser.

So you see for each customer ID column in excel there are no. of associated rows for the workflow column. note: the rest of the rows for customerId column is empty till the next customer Id, only there colud be many rows for the workflow column for that customerid till another customer id kicks in.
So in short I need to read and associate the diifernt rows for workflow column to that perticular customer Id..

(any software language is fine)
Can somebody help as to how I go about it.