Anybody know when RealPlayer is coming for OS X ?
Is it possible to use a Unix verion ?
Thanks all !
Is it possible to use a Unix verion ?
Thanks all !
Originally posted by gerbick
I personally hope it never comes out. True, I'm missing content on some of my favorite websites, but it's the biggest heap of junk code I've seen in a while
I don't like it. In any iteration. Ever.
Originally posted by ablack6596
I don't like Real Player that much but I really want to watch some of the stuff at Cnet about the apple stores and stuff.
Originally posted by hazmat
And the funny thing is that I went to OS X as a long-time Windows and Unix user, mostly because it now represents the best happy medium for a desktop. Proper GUI, Unix base, stability, and wide software range. WinNT/2k used to be that happy medium. I still hate to touch OS 9 at all.