Really creepy...


Yeah, Androo.
Coincidences. What are they? When you say "When will josh phone?" and then the phone rings a second later. When u drink a juice box with a rat in it, when u just found out timmy lost Scabbes. When you take a picture, and the branches form something....a figure. One that is slightly recognizable. Is it a coincidence? Or something of what one such as myself cannot understand. Are we alone in this great big universe? Or are we just the only ones alive?
Cameras - the devices that capture a memory, for you to remember when viewed. A device that can show something that was there for half a second forever.
Why have I brought up these two particular subjects? Because when i was in the car, driving to my vacation spot (florida), both of these subjects were used at the same time. This exact angle that the branches were in, exactly when i took the picture. Now that is a coincidence.
Citizens of, on that day, when i took that picture, i saw something shocking. A visitor. Either that, or a deformed ghost, who looks tortured beyond pain.
This is the original picture that i took:
Figure 1
Now, you probably can't see the figure just yet. But i did at first. I noticed it the moment i opened it up in photoshop. I though that there was something weird.
Now i put a filter on it, and shaded the figure in green slightly:
Figure 2
And now, if you still can't see it, then i put another filter on it, made it black and white, and colored in the figure green:
Figure 3
Now how did this happen? I don't know. All I do know is that this may be evidence that aliens are trying to reach us. Something is out there. Something with a weird head and a claw.
I swear i did not make this, but i forgot all about it. I took the pic in georgia, which is full of trees.
I cannot see it. You must have a very active imagination. Are there eyes? A face?. I can't see the claw. Can you outline or color the primate-like features red?. I'm serious, I don't see it, but would like to.
Yea, i don't see anything either. Besides: with photoshop filters you can see many things. :D
I can see it... it looks like an ent. go back and see if it's still there, and if it is go confront it androo! be sure to bring a we come in peace sign and dress like a hippy. if any law enforcement agents show up and ask why you stopped your car, be sure to act high and have your friend in the car taping it... ::ha::
no, but really. it looks like just a coincidence. for those who can't see it it is in the bottom left of the green part of the third picture, probably about a cm from the bottom and 2 cm from the left edge of the picture.
I think I see what you're talking about. A face with it's mouth wide open in the upper middle of the picture and a claw sticking out from it going to the left lower in the picture.

That being said though, I see several other things just by looking at other parts of the pic. This is similar to staring at clouds and seeing all sorts of stuff. As a matter of fact, you can look at almost anything with any amount of texture/complexity to it and see all manner of things. Ever hear of the Rorschach test?

Now this in no way means that there ISN'T a large monster with really big claws in the forest waiting to pounce upon some hapless group of coeds or college cinema students, there very well could be, ya never know. Are you planning on going back to the spot and doing any further investigation?

BTW, there is a site out there (actually I'm sure that there are many sites but I only ran across one) that do basically what you did but to photos taken in "haunted" houses. You might want to take a look.
Hmm...I don't see anything. Though one of the rocks in the picture looks kinda like a skull. :p

(At least, I think it's a rock. Could just be some more over exposure of some bushes. Easier to spot in the second picture he put up, the one that's a bit darker.)
I'm a believer: "Yeah, I can see it, too. It MUST be something going on there..."

I don't believe: "Erhm, I've found a piece of rock yesterday that had exactly the SAME face on it. Think I shouldn't have thrown it back into the lake, then..."
hmmm...... it does look like an ent. It doesn't have it's mouth open though, look in picture 3.
This is in fact a Quixorg from the planet Blunar. They are extremely dangerous and I am very alarmed to see evidence that they are here on Earth.

They hide themselves in blurry grasslands and can only be seen by being drawn into photos using PhotoShop.

They usually hibernate in their invisible state for a few weeks before attacking the hapless photographer and sucking out their brains (the photographer, that is, not the Quixorg).

It might be worthwhile trying to claim that $1,000,000 prize for irrefutable evidence of the existence of aliens, but spend it quickly, as you might not have a brain tomorrow.

Oh, and try shampooing with garlic.
No, no, no,'s a Fendeli from the planet Yalwesar. I can see how you would mistake it, though, they are remarkably similar.
Phew! I hope you're right, Darkshadow, for Androo's sake. If he had his brains sucked out, he would have to go and join a Windows forum. ;-)

Fendeli's are generally friendly, lovable little monsters who turn invisible in fields of grass, and make that annoying chirruping sound in summer that we always blame on crickets. Yeah, like a little bug rubbing its legs together makes that racket ... that's what they want you to believe.

They are also responsible for the "ping" noise in submarine movies and that embaressing "Phwerrrrt" noise when you shift your weight on a leather chair.

That is good news for you, Androo. Though, just to be safe, I'd stick with the garlic shampoo and keep a close watch on your brains. If you find yourself buying paisley shirts and singing along to TV jingles, then it may be too late.
No, his name is Mark. He's a Xergophrax from Zendor. He likes to suck the brains out of your head with a bendy straw, and he can camoflauge (LIKE IN THAT PIC) with sorounding trees and such.
Good thing i did the things.

Mark telepathically contacted me about that little visit he paid to you. But I promised him I wouldn't tell until after the fact. As many of you don't know, Mark, the Xergophrax from Zendor, is also from the future. I was told by a psychic, from the psychic hotline, that he would become one of my closest of friends. You know, now when I think back on the first time I called the psychic hotline, the first thing I mentioned to Sabrina, my private psychic, "I'll just bet you knew I was going to call." She replied in the affirmative, and henceforth, Mark became my close friend.