Really funny story!


Official *********
I can't believe that we don't have a make-a-story thread! Everyone write the next sentence of the story we'll keep going as long as we can before it becomes too crazy and dies.

Also, put te text of the story in brackets.
[One day Herve was walking down the street heading for the Macworld Expo when all of the sudden he saw Steve Jobs in a limo with a green rabbit driving and Bill Gates in a tank sneaking up behind...]
[In the year 2230, mankind ventured out to explore the great unknown of space oblivious to the great dangers waiting there to be awakened. 100 years later, The human race is enslaved by hideous, mind-reading aliens called the Enar. The remaining pockets of resistance are counting on the discovery of a long lost human super weapon called the Ring.]

Try to make the rest of the story good and not too random
[There was one man, one man called the Double Hobbit, who longed to find the Ring.]
:mad: Fine, we'll have three stories, but no more beginnings. Mark which story you are continuing when you post.
Three stories? I thought there were only two. And please don't have a second story, put it in another thread. :D

[He had strived for years to find the location but on his last attempt he was captured by the Purgers, a group of Humans loyal to the Enar. His only hope is to escape from the Rock, a state of the are detention center deep underground on the Enar homeworld.]

"Yo, Davirnikus!" yelled Obikanus, a mine-man.
"Yes?" asked Davirnikus, another mine-man.
"I think I know how to get out of here," said Obikanus.
"Yeah, how?" smirked Davirnikus, not believing what Obikanus had said.]

Make it like another Lord of the Rings story. :D
What!! :mad:
I diddn't start another all you said was lets have a story then I wrote the beiginging to one and then you did I diddn't start another you did!
Let's not get mad...

I know, divibsan was a little late in writing the begginning of his story, but it's nothing to get upset about :D
Yeah, I know, but it would get confusing if there were two stories at the same time, I'll start a second thread which you can start your story in, it would be easier to move your story than the other because nobody else continued it
["I found a store of heat resistant metal in a scrap heap near my cell. Using that, we could make a capsul which would protect us from the lava long enough to ride a volcanic eruption to the surface. From there all we would need would be the badges from a purger guard to get us to the space port where we can escape."]
[When the capsule was complete, Davirnikus knocked out a guard and stole his badge. They then entered their pod and dropped it into the volcano.]