Really Slow Firewire Tranfer Problem


I am having extremely slow tranfer rates while trying to tranfer data from my desktop mac (g3 400 256ram, 3 harddrives, 1-30g, 1-12g, 1-3g running 10.1.4). I am tryig to transfer data onto a self powered fire case with a 12g 2.5' hd. If I plug the firewire disk into my powerbook g3 500 (10.1.4) the tranfer rates are fast. To compare them the powerbook tranferred 1.8gigs in a little over 2 minutes. The same files on the desk top had an estimated time of 3 hours! I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out what if anything is wrong and how to get the desktop to speed up. The firewire 12g is an IBM travelstar pulled from my powerbook when I upgraded it to a 20g travelstar. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
