Really stupid and shamefull question. ASP on OSXS?


I am the law!
I'm trying my hardest to get my company to buy an xserve to run the intranet off of. [we have over 250 pc desktops and 30 rack mount NT servers, so this would be a HUGE breakthrough for me].

Right now our intranet server is a Compaq dual 500mhz PIII with two 10,000RPM SCSI drives in a mirror raid running win2k server with IIS.

My boss just realized that in 6 months, we will outgrow the server and there is no way to upgrade to a new server without substantial downtime. He also realizes that we would be much farther ahead to go with Linux/Unix & Apache.

All of the applications that I write [i wrote about 3/4 of our intranet] use PHP/ MySQL [and occasionally ODBC to connect to access databases or DB2 databases]. So my apps will move over no problem. My bosses applications are all written in ASP.

So the question is, if by some chance in hell I convince him to buy an xserve, can you make asp pages run under some type of emulation under Apache / OSX?

I've heard that you can get ODBC DSNs working in linux...has anyone had any luck using ODBC on OSX?
You can use Virtual PC to run ASP apps.. in emulation... but this is really only ideal for someone like me who does MS programming stuff on a mac, and hence allows me to stay on one machine....a mac.

The other option, to run natively... is something called ChiliSoft ASP.... It allows Active Server Pages to run on a unix box. From all indications, this seems to work pretty well... but I am not sure as I have never used it personally.


Fahrvergnuugen, there are apps for Linux/Unix that I can only imagine them working for OSX as I think it's a mod for Apache. I can't tell you for sure it'll work - but I don't see why not.

I'm just one step ahead of you as I DID convince my boss and placed the order just moments ago! :D

Good luck! :)
my boss actually mentioned chillisoft, but i wasn't sure if it had been ported to OSX yet...

I need to figure out how to convince him that an xServe is the way to go... Price is certainly a positive point.

I need to figure out how I would make backups of the data. I suppose I could run a cron job each night that makes a tarball of the data and then store it on a networked drive? I guess thats trivial at this point.
One more twist to this saga...

Our current intranet uses NT permissions to protect certain directories [like you would normally do with .htaccess].

We have like 300 users on our NT domain and they are categorized into NT groups by department. So one web application might be open to "acc-domain/administrators; acc-domain/marketing" or something like that.

Is there anyway to pass over NT users and groups in OSXS? I'm not asking for the users and groups to be valid system users in osx...just a way to keep track of who has access to what pages without setting up a seperate users database [which would be an absolute nightmare to maintain].