Really weird dreams...What was I on?


Ever have one of those intense dreams just before you wake in the morning where you wake up scratching your head thinking "What the hell was I thinking in that dream?" Well, I had a really weird dream.

I dreamed about finding a poltergeist that looked like one of those space aliens from the movie "Fire in the Sky". In the dream, one of my old friends told me where I could find the poltergeist and when. I suspected he was lying and to prove he was I went there looking for it and surprisingly I found it. And of course, being a scientist with a sometimes stupid inquisitiveness of "How does it work?", I planned to "play" with the beast in the fashion of head games. Bad idea...very bad idea. THIS THING TORTURED ME AND SCARED THE HELL OUT ME. I would be walking through the woods in the dream, and hear sticks breaking and rustling along with stones being struck together, just like in the Blair Witch Project. I started getting scared when the sticks and stones were flying towards me with sufficient accuracy and speed to really hurt me. I ran, FAST, and hid like a rabbit. Later in the dream, I could see the events in the day before they would happen. I thought, "I'll confront this thing coming down the alley way", another bad idea. This thing hounded me, wouldn't leave me alone. It started following me, even to my house and my friends' houses, would appear out of thin air and take my possessions. The only way I escaped from the beast was waking up. I should stop, some Hollywood producer probably reads these forums and will take my ideas and make million$.

Perhaps this thread belongs in the SciFi Geek Show Forum...although, it is non-technical.