Record sound from app?


Now With Even More Dumb!
Does anyone know how to record sound played by an app?
Specifically, I want to record a sound byte from a QuickTime movie I have. All my sound recording apps need to use either the internal mic, line input, or something called "Sound Input." None of these seem to do what I want.

Thanks in advance...

-the valrus
Run an audio cord from sound out to a stereo system's record input. Then run a cord from the record out of the stereo to the sound in of your mac (assuming your Mac has one).

Depending on the Mac you might be able to run a cord directly from sound out to sound in.

If your Mac doesn't have sound in you need to get something to do this. Griffin iMic is the least expensive way to add this feature.

I'd suggest getting the free application Coaster to do the recording. By the way, this only works in OS 9.

What kind of Mac do you have?
I thought there was no way to record sound in OS X, because OS X lacked the feature to record sound, even though it can take in the sound from a microphone. Isn't this the case, and the reason why Snapz Pro X cannot capture sound in OS X?
it still seems a little difficult. I tried Audiocorder ( I think some others can record in X... maybe Amadeus?) but as I am using a Griffin iMic I couldn't control the settings from X as there is no sound control panel for this yet.

Anyway, yes you can record in X with some apps but it doesn't seem to be fully there yet.
My computer's in the signature.

I don't think my stereo has sound in, so I guess that won't work. But I got SparkME, which allows me to rip the sound from a .mov file and play with it that way. So it's all good.

Incidentally, if you want to record in OS X, you can use SoundHack
to record to an AIFF or AudioX to record to a .MOV. Both work pretty well; AudioX's interface is cleaner, but AIFFs are in my experience more useful. SparkME
looks like a pretty darn nice app too; you can record with it and do lots of other stuff too.

Oh, and they're all free. :D

I'd try Coaster but I've sworn off Classic and OS 9 unless they're absolutely necessary. Ripping sound from a cartoon doesn't quite qualify. :p

-the valrus