record video from firewire webcam


I wanted to prepare a nice birthday video for my girlfriend ;) but faced a simple problem. Have a firewire-webcam which is working just fine, but I have no idea how to record the video into any kind of video-format. I thought quicktime should do it, but nada. Tried iMovie and that one doesn't recognize my video-device. Well, found a freeware: webcamnow 1.0 which shows my video just fine, but doesn't want to record. Just broadcasting...
So? Any possibility to record from my firewire webcam? Freeware prefered! ;)
It's a D-Link DRF 350C. Every other prog works just fine with that cam. Or maybe I just have no clue how to use imovie. when I switch from editing to recording, I get a blue screen saying, that there is no video-device plugged