Recording audio under 10.2?


Is anyone successfully recording audio under 10.2? Playback appears to be working fine, but I am having trouble with recording.

I have used an M-Audio Delta 2496 sound card and the program Sound Studio in the past to record audio under 10.1.x. Either the new drivers for the card, or the app, or both, are broken under 10.2.

I've also experimented with an iMic, and with demos for Amadeus and Peak LE, and neither are working for me. With Amadeus I can record a little, but there is no playthrough and the process usually errors out after about four minutes, which is not long enough to do much useful recording.

At the moment I am booting to 9.2.2 to record audio, which is very frustrating. Does anyone have an audio *recording* setup that is working under Jag?