Region Free iMac???

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Fred Flinstone

XP Divorcee - Mac Virgin
I want to ask very specifically if anyone has found a way to make the default player Region Free on the new Intel Duo OS X Systems. Have read a lot of 'stuff' here and there about might and might not be solutions for PowerPC and Mac Books - completely different configurations and I don't want to wreck the system in trying to 'fix' it. Ridiculous that some companies are still shipping single Region Players - a joke, actually.

Current Superdrive is


Revision: Q609
Detachable Drive: No
Protocol: ATAPI
Unit Number: 0
Socket Type: Internal
Low Power Polling: Yes

I'm quite sure this can be flashed easily enough to RPC1 but is that enough to lift the region lock from DVD Player? I know many might offer VLC as a solution etc - but I have had problems with some DVD's on VLC that have played fine on the Native Player. As I live between Europe/The USA and South America my reasons are straightforward enough

So an OmniRegion DVD Player fix on Intel Duo 10.4.8, anyone??? I'
d like to say I could rip the lot to HD or DivX but I simply haven't the time at present......
Guess to answer my own question here - No!!!! Another one of Macs negatives exposed - doubt very much it will ever get anywhere close tobeing as bad as Wind-dose though!
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