Reinstall Classic on G4/Panther after partition wiped?!


Help please .. we have G4 running 10.3.8, partitioned hard disk. My son wiped the OS 9 partition (to find enough room to patch WoW?! :mad: ) and I want to reinstall. I have an original install disc (9.0?), also a Tiger install DVD.
I have tried
- booting off the original install disc (no response, screen stays grey)
- copying the System Folder from the original install disc (tried various ways to 'bless' the System Folder without success)
- exploring the Tiger install DVD using Pacifist, including installing 'ClassicStartupApp' (no effect visible, not sure whether this is supposed to include reinstall of Classic System Folder itself or if so, where it's gone).
I need OS9 to access my online bank account so Xmas funds are running low!!
Advice much appreciated.. thanks John - Happy Xmas to all. :)
Sorry I didn't get here sooner. Did your G4 come with OS 9 and you upgraded to OS X? If so, you should be able to start up with the OS 9 CD. Make sure it is the install OS 9 and when you insert the CD, restart the computer and immediately hold down the C key.

If that fails, use the restore CD/DVD that came with your system. Apple has the step by step here: