remote shutdown


how do i shutdown my mac from another mac? tried the unix-command "shutdown" after i logged in via ssh from work and when i came back home there was a black screen with weird unix-code on it.
OSX is *BSD so I think 'shutdown' or 'shutdown now' just drops you into single user mode.

EDIT: actually I think that's exactly what's happening, you're in single user mode.

I usually use halt -n to safely bring down my Linux boxes.
Just used 'shutdown' on my osx 10.2.6 box the way i used it on Suse Linux, and still do on Debian. It works perfectly. This will work...:
shutdown -h now

EDIT: to be clear: 'shutdown -h now' shuts your machine down completely.
EDIT2: and it's also fully safe!
It used to give a kernel panic on really old versions of OS X. So I guess they fixed that, right?
Originally posted by davidbrit2
It used to give a kernel panic on really old versions of OS X. So I guess they fixed that, right?
LOL. Well it did cause a shutdown of some sorts did it not?
Originally posted by davidbrit2
It used to give a kernel panic on really old versions of OS X. So I guess they fixed that, right?

Did not now! Then they took 'shutdown' indeed very litterally..

I use osx only since i had a mac above my old 6400, this is a half year ago, so i did not use 10.1 a lot.. Surely not the unix/open bsd part..