renaming multiple files


I have *a lot* of image files with the filename format
somename_ddmmyy_001 and am looking for a way to remove the first name up to or including the first underscore

I've looked through Automator & A Better Finder Rename, no luck. Graphicconverter will allow me to remove a specific term, or a set number of characters, but both the name & number of characters are variable.

Is there an easy way around this?

thanks, Mark
I have a problem using the new version of Graphic Converter for renaming files. I have to rename thousands of files when I go from the camera name (DSC_xxxx) to my preferred name. There's no way to automate this since the final names depends on what's in the image. Renaming worked great in the old Graphic Converter browser. NOW, it's a nightmare... you rename it (it shifts in the browser window to another location AND the browser follows it, assuming you want to edit it more. I DON'T!! I only want to rename it and then the next and the next). It's unusable, you spend 3 minutes trying to find where you were in the DSC list and then it jumps you around again. I've scoured preferences for a way to turn off this annoying "feature". Anyone know how?

Also, in answer to the above question, even though it was posted over a year ago I'm sure others have the same question... NameMangler does a great job of renaming files. A must-have Mac app. You can do search and replace actions on large groups of files.

I only wish I could use NameMangler for my image files, but it has no way of knowing what's in the pic. Please, if someone knows a way to disable the "follow image" aspect of Graphic Converter's browser, please post!

As a side note, Graphic Converter is great great software, worth the money, but the user interface will drive you crazy. It's always trying to anticipate what you MIGHT want to do, resizing things, moving windows, moving toolbars. It makes you seasick. Most users want things to sit still, not move around for them. You'll have to extensively set preferences to get something that behaves in a more gentlemanly manner. Then it's an excellent app.