Rendezvous Issues


I'm having a few issues with rendezvous that I can't seem to nail down.

Here's the spec of the set up. Two Quicksilvers networked via 4 port ethernet hub.

Quicksilver 867 has a dial-up connection that I share with the 733. The 733 has a USB printer that is shared with the 867. The 733 also has file sharing turned on.

Really a pretty simple set up. But in iChat I have two issues. First, when I connect to rendezvous from the 733, the 867 sees the user (through iChat of course), but the 733 doesn't see the person logged into the 867. If I initiate a chat from the 867, then the 733 displays the IP address of the other machine, instead of the user logged into rendezvous. Weird!

Second issue. Where the hell does it get the name of the user? As a test, I set up my 733 using my wife's AIM u/p. I tried to set it up last night using my AIM u/p and it works, except my wifes name is still showing as the "user." For the record, all the other internet, account settings, etc. are using my usernames and passes...not my wifes. My mail is set up in the internet pane, my account is the admin account for the machine, so why does iChat insist on calling me by wife's name, and why can't I manage to change it?

And hints, allegations, info, scrutiny, etc. are very welcome. If you want more info on my set up, just let me know. Thanks all.:confused: