Repairing Disks


Hi everyone,

I can't mount my OS 9 volume under OS X ... Disk Utility can' help ... What do you suggest to do? (Invalid extent file PEOF)

Thanks in advance,

For an invalid extent file that disk utility can't fix, you are going to need to buy a good third party diangnostic and repair progaram. If you can only afford one, i reccomend Diskwarrior from I would order the disk and get plus optimize thrown in for a few bucks more. then you can also defragment and optimize your disks which helps reduce wera and tear on them as well as speeding your system up. Diskwarrior is the only one i know that will recognize an umountable drive if you hot plug it once diswarrior has been launched. It saved my external that way.

another good one is techtool pro from it includes a defragger. it is a bit slower but does a few more things and is very specific about what it does for those who really know their computer.

note - both need to run in os 9. you will either need a boot disk or to put an os 9 system folder on your osx drive and boot from it to run repairs on the other drive.

avoid norton unless you are desperate and only have access to it. it is the fastest, but also the least reliable, the most likely to take your whole drive down with it and easy to misuse.
i should add that the latest versions of all of them do repairs to osx as well. so they are not just for fixing os 9 problems. The only osx native running repair program is Drive10. I have it and it seems to work pretty good. but a lot of other people seem to have been having problems with it. I use it less and less as a result.

good luck. feel free to ask me any specific questions you still have.

oh and another solution for running the repair programs. put it on your osx drive. then boot from any os 9 cd. If your os 9 drive mounts during this, then it is the osx drive that is having recognition problems and you need to repair it as well. maybe only it, but i would fix both to be safe.