Replace I.E. 5.1.1?

Go to your /Library/Receipts folder and delete the IE 5.1.1 receipt package. Then see if SoftwareUpdate downloads the "update" again, which I suspect is really the whole program. Maybe not.

Good luck.

Ah, yes. Microsoft's little fine print says it's only available on the OS X CD. If you can find a package extractor and take it from one of the three packages on the CD, then you should be all set.
Originally posted by rharder
Go to your /Library/Receipts folder and delete the IE 5.1.1 receipt package. Then see if SoftwareUpdate downloads the "update" again, which I suspect is really the whole program. Maybe not.

Good luck.

It didn't work.
I've been having problems in getting 5.1.1 to update. Updater said it did so but the version number is incorrect.

Anyhow one can run the OS X installer right over the existing system. It checks to see what changes were made and just installs the missing or damaged stuff. I've done it twice so far without deleterious effect. TBS, it hasn't helped by IE update problem.