Replacing my MDD DP 867's 2x Superdrive.


Would anyone be kind enough to tell me what options I have on replacing my 2x Superdrive in my 867DP MDD G4, for another quicker 'superdrive'?

I'm after a 4x drive but don't know how limited Mac users are in choosing. I know that new Superdrives are Sony 4x and are (or soon to be) DVD-R & DVD+R compatible.

Your help will be very well received and I thank you.
Well, on the PM 1.42 I have at work, the SuperDrive is a Pionner 4x... the iMac 17" has a Sony...

At home, on my DP 1.25 I bought in May, I've just added a Pionner DVR-105 4x that works really good!!! :)

Well, not completely... I cannot leave a CD in it, without using it... cause when the drive goes to sleep, I cannot even open it and it looks unsupported... and I need a restart... but that's all... I have my combo to play games and leave a CD inside of it...

Ciao, Ro