I've been trying to integrate Tomcat with Apache for some time, but without 100% success 
The problem is that the other how-to's on the net are outdated or doesn't work properly.
What I want is to let Tomcat take care of all .jsp-files (jsp and servlets) that reside anywhere in the built-in Apache-directories (/Library/WebServer/Documents/, /Users/*/Sites/, etc, etc.)
Just like the php-module that comes with apache on OS X 10.2 work when you have it enabled. Totally invisible that is.
- Mac OS X 10.2.6
- OS X Built-in Apache
- Complete Tomcat 4.1.24 (www.serverlogistics.com)

The problem is that the other how-to's on the net are outdated or doesn't work properly.
What I want is to let Tomcat take care of all .jsp-files (jsp and servlets) that reside anywhere in the built-in Apache-directories (/Library/WebServer/Documents/, /Users/*/Sites/, etc, etc.)
Just like the php-module that comes with apache on OS X 10.2 work when you have it enabled. Totally invisible that is.
- Mac OS X 10.2.6
- OS X Built-in Apache
- Complete Tomcat 4.1.24 (www.serverlogistics.com)