Resetting root on an SGI Indy


I know this isn't a Mac UNIX question but any help would be appreciated. I got an Indy last year but I've only just managed to get a sync-on-green monitor to run it with. Anyway, I've managed to upgrade the RAM and disable the PROM password, and the system seems to be booting up ok. However I need to reset the root password and I don't have any IRIX media. I know that on OSX (and Linux etc.) you can boot into single user mode at startup and edit the etc/passwd file, however the Indy seems to want the root password in order to enter single user mode.

Is there a way round this? Can you use SASH to edit files? The other way of doing it would be to remove the HD and mount it on another machine to edit the file but it would be great if I could find an easier way. Would Panther be able to mount an XFS drive if I stuck the HD in my G4 (I've got a SCSI card)?

If anyone can offer any suggestions that would be cool. I'll buy you a pie or something.

It has been a while since I've had to install or worry about setting up root on an SGI, but I also have all the IRIX media for all three of my SGIs.

You could ask this in a forum which specializes in SGIs... like this one. Someone there might be able to help you.