Retail Apple Stores in Switzerland, Italy and France

Rather looks like it's a _list_ of retail stores and that they've recently removed Zurich, so it's not a "site" for the store in Zurich that's now missing, right?
I didnt quite understand you, but to clarify (sorry if its not what you wanted to know):

The website just says that at a website existed for the store in Zürich with Opening Times etc... but then they took it off again for some reason... the website link I wrote just showed what stores were opened at what times etc...
Maybe why Apple took the website out and out of the list the website showed was because maybe they're not sure about it yet.
For example:

On the iTunes Servers at Apple two grafics exist with the New Zealand flag in the "button" view, like what it shows at the bottom of the main iTunes page of every country. So they planned the New Zealand store as they made the Grafics for the store etc... but they put the grafics on the server 2 years ago.. so what I'm trying to say is that maybe Apple isnt sure yet or is still "verhandeln" (sry, dont know English word) with the owners of this place at Bahnhofstraße.