Retro-Mac Theme (NEW)


Staff member
As always, it is impossible to satisfy the masses of users when it comes to themes and designs for websites. It feel, as a marketing guy, that you should have a "image" that you present to the public. This means doing away with themes, and just having one look.

In addition, it makes web site maintaince so much easier. It also means when we had things like the quick-reply box, we don't have to go in and do it for each theme.

Hope you enjoy the new theme. It's different... but remember, its retro. :)

Someone always complains. :)

Never even saw that, I will see what I can do. The theme has a few more "minor" changes including a Quick reply feature still to be added in the coming days.
I saw that old Mac on the front page and instantly felt a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Hope my Thanksgiving dinner went down okay.

just kidding. Love it. Just out of curiosity, who made that art? it's freakin' gorgeous. I always knew Macs were works of art, but I've never seen one featured in a work of art.
Originally posted by adambyte
Just out of curiosity, who made that art? it's freakin' gorgeous. I always knew Macs were works of art, but I've never seen one featured in a work of art.

Stock Photo.
D'OH! The only thing I would change is alternate message colors... makes it easier to read...

Also calm down the orange for long reading sessions... bad on the eyes for extended periods

*RUNS and hides under the bed in a fetal position*

NO!!!!! Not that thing!
*Points to the old Mac in the picture at the top of the pages*

Did I ever mention? That's the reason I HATED Macs so much... blah! :p :(

*Tries to figure out if he can have Mozilla block just that one image*

I like the new theme. Its very professional. Much more so than the dark blue themes. The first thing it brought to mind when I saw it this morning was Thanksgiving! :D
As a graphic designer nice colour scheme. The blue buttons are cool but need to be darker.....The new look makes the site look more professional.

Think we should keep the gray smilies left over from the dark theme? Recolor them?

I'll recolor them if someone wants, it takes, like ten seconds. :D