Retrospect client address change


Retrospect seems to tightly tie the clients name to its ip address -- and it does not seem to have a way to change it.

I have a client that use to be a now its at Various operations lead to different forms of confusion. For example, Configure->Clients finds the client. I pick it and hit Configure. It pauses and then opens the window. Now if I hit Volumes, it goes to the old IP address and eventually says "I can't see the client".

Am I misssing something? Moving IP addresses happens fairly regularly doesn't it? What happens in a DHCP environment when the IP address is never the same?
Let me guess. You added the clients by address instead of letting
retrospect search for them. That'll mess you up. As you noticed.

I suspect all you can do now is tell Retro to forget each client, then
restart with the client machines on, then let Retro search. If they're
all on the same router it doesn't matter that the actual IPs change.