(RIAA) Subpoena Username Query Form

I wonder if the Subpoena Username Query Form is just a *new* database that alerts the RIAA that *you* are filesharing, and subsequently need to be monitored for illegal activities. What better way to hand over your identity and IP address to the most wretched organization filled with scum and villany.
Am I at danger from the RIAA if I have a dynamic IP, though? Could they still get our log-on information?
Originally posted by Giaguara
Also how not to get sued by RIAA for file sharing. Read that if you use any file sharing programs to keep you safe.
uhhh, yeah, if you follow that list, it completely aborts the whole filesharing idea and gives record companies exactly what they want. So in other words, it's really simple, just don't download or upload mp3's and you'll be just fine...
No, don't upload them. You can keep downloading them because that doesn't make your IP available (just the other guy's).
lol! But if NOBODY'S uploading, then all the illegal music is gone! That's just what they want!... and that's just what they're going to get, if they keep going.