It's sad the attitude some manufacturers are taking when it comes to compatibility with OSX...
I'm not even asking for full support, just enough to get whatever the product I have working enough to do something with it...
I am now strongly basing my future purchases on OSX support with alternative to Windows. No Support = no purchase!
Now I wish I never bought:
- Rio Volt CD MP3 Player
Altho not Rio's fault but Adaptec/Roxio disapointed me since I have the Windows version of their product - no true CDRW [ala DirectCD in Windows] killed it for me
- Intel Pocket PC Camera
yeah, cant blame anyone but myself on this one, but at the time I didn't care about Macs... It's actually a pretty good camera, with absolutely no support for Mac OSX even tho it's a USB Camera. All I care about is downloading my pictures and flushing the RAM.
Hey on the bright side - I've always refused to buy Intel, all my computers have been built with alternatives! From Cyrix (yeah, not any better at the time) to AMD since K6-2s. And never once an Intel board!
- Iomega Zip Drive
I thought I would never wish I never bought Iomega...
But I've just about had it with them, and I'm an old time customer having purchased an original Parrallel Port Zip Drive when they first came out... <sigh>
Not to mention ever since installing the OSX version of their drivers for my FireWire Zip 250 drive - my computer has been having bad crashes 'n kernel panics! It never EVER crashed since the 1st update after getting 10.1
That's at least three - maybe four companies I'm never buying from again that I can think of at the moment... And I'll most likely be getting rid of their products as soon as I can find replacements - or sooner.
All of it because of their attitude about compatibility on Mac OSX!
(I'm not very happy at Adobe either, requiring me to buy full upgrades to ALL of their software I own (design collection less than a year old) when all I wanted was a Carbon patches - like they did with Acrobat!.