Right-click menu for files (control+click)


You know how if you right-click on, say a .jpg file on the desktop or finder you will get a menu of apps that can open that file?

Well I'm wondering if there is a way to remove some of these items, the ones I don't really need in there. My list is getting ridiculously big. I know in Windows it's as easy as editing the registry. The will disappear as soon as you delete the registry entries.

Here is a screen to show exactly what I'm talking about:

Any ideas on how to remove them?
I suspect that the list consists of all apps whose package info indicates they know how to open .jpg's.

So my guess is: there probably isn't any way to do what you're asking.
ShadowTech - To set the Open With menu to it's default Trash the 'com.apple.LaunchServices.6B.csstore' file and restart.
The path to the file is:
Hard Disk > Library > Caches > com.apple.LaunchServices.6B.csstore

Tom X