right click strangeness


Dis Member
I thought this was neat: right clicking on a window in a background carbon app brings that window to the front of the app's layer, but doesnt bring the app to the front.

For once carbon apps have a feature that cocoa apps lack, unless it's just a byproduct of them handling right clicks differently
Right click ?!
Last time I checked macs came with a one button mouse ;-)
Maybe this is something left over from prevous incarnations or...
a thing of the future LOL
They do - but then you go down to CompUSA and come home with a Logitech wheel mouse and are immediately much happier :)

I used to be anti 2 buttons too, but the only 2 button mice I had ever used were crappy PC OEM models. When I went to replace my puck mouse (which really isn't all that bad if you hold it in your palm, rest your fingertips on the tabletop & click with your knuckles) the choices were an Apple Optical Pro for $70, a 1 button Kensington Mouse-In-A-Box and the Logitech, both for around $30... being an adventurous type I chose the last one, and am very glad I did. It's shaped beautifully, it's symmetrical (lefties take note), the buttons are large enough that I've yet to click the wrong one. The only complaints I have is that, like most things translucent, the plastic is a little gummy, and the wheel squeaks horribly when I click-scroll it. Oh, and OmniWeb is wonderful enough that it pages up & down when the scroll wheel is pressed.

I've since noticed some other inconsistencies between Carbon & Cocoa WRT right-clicking.. clicking a scroll thumb in a carbon app will have the expected effect, but does nothing at all in a Cocoa app. Right clicking in the menu bar (which is controlled by Carbon system-wide) will do the usual thing. Command right clicking a background Carbon window will move it - only left-clicking works for Cocoa windows.. Basically right clicking just works better for Carbon, which is NOT what I would have expected! Now if they could only get that scroll wheel working......

[Edited by endian on 03-04-2001 at 01:04 PM]
I love my puck mouse ;-)
I did not like when I first got it because it was
so radically different from what i had used in the past
(Apple's beige mouse that came with the original G3s & most other macs in that time )
but I got used to my puck mouse ;)
Furthermore it can be used as a weapon!
Yeas ladies and gents! Just put it in your palm and use
it to strike a blow to your opponents head with one
slap-like strike!

(LOL sometimes I think that I shoule be an advertizer :p)

In any case. BEfore X I has linux on my OS X partition and
what I was looking on linux PPC sites a lot of people had
three button mice.

I wonder what the user experience with that would be ;-)
( I would not mind chaning my puck mouse... but I like it lol... if it would break down I would probably get a three button mouse :) )


PS: does the 2 button mouse wrk with contectual menus in OS 9 ?
I forgote to mention how much I like omniweb!
(even though it needs a little more work.. IT ROCKS)
well technically this IS a 3 button mouse, since you can click the scroll wheel as well as the 2 buttons. That's how OmniWeb pages up/down - just roll the wheel and it scrolls like clicking a scroll arrow, press & roll and it pages. Pretty nifty, but no other app I've used does it.

PS: does the 2 button mouse wrk with contectual menus in OS 9 ?

Yeah, but only with the control panel that came with it. And the control panel doesn't seem to work under Classic in OSX, so I'm out of luck there. Under OSX it Just Works(tm)
I forgote to mention how much I like omniweb!
(even though it needs a little more work.. IT ROCKS)

That it does... And coming from Omni, I'm confident that it'll get the work it needs, rather than showing up at v5.0 with a shopping channel, an email client and skinnability, bugs intact
Originally posted by endian
I thought this was neat: right clicking on a window in a background carbon app brings that window to the front of the app's layer, but doesnt bring the app to the front.

For once carbon apps have a feature that cocoa apps lack, unless it's just a byproduct of them handling right clicks differently

This is really cool! Especially for the finder (since it is carbon). So you can do stuff in the finder (like opening apps and moving through folders) without actually bringing it to the front.
