Righthanded mouse - legal?


It most likely is, I just feel like spluttering a rant in the general direction of the apartheid manufacturers who continue to produce ergonomic products for right-handed only. Not only that, but they bundle these mice with their latest wireless-bluetooth-gizmo-whatnot-keyboards so I end up with a, to me, useless mouse on the side.

So, my question is simple, is it in fact legal for producers to produce mice that fit only right-handed people? And yes, I do realize that "lefties" could train themselves to use the right hand instead, and I do realize that it's not the manufacturers fault that people use the "other" hand but I still think it's a valid question.

And if it's not, then at least I got the chance to yell a little beacuse quite frankly this is something that pi**es me off. Seems to me this should be a class-action lawsuit waiting to happen.
You must be joking. A suit against companies that produce products for the majority of the people? Please. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Mouses for lefties are available. Class-action suit. What a joke.
Here is a small list of mice that fit both right- and left-handed people. Granted, I've never seen a mouse molded specifically for a left-handed person, but I doubt manufacturers would make such a mouse because they wouldn't sell many compared to the right-handed mice.

And Randman, it's still "mice." ;)
Can't break old habits. :D

How about mice for righties, mouses for lefties and those in class-action suits?
I remember going to a MacExpo in London in maybe 1997 and seeing a range of mice/trackpads that came in 3 different sizes and for both lefties and righties. Can't remember the name though, doubt they survived, which is a shame. My mother is a scriptwriter and lefty and spends all day at her computer, but is reduced to the rsi-inducing apple mice for either hand.
ora said:
I remember going to a MacExpo in London in maybe 1997 and seeing a range of mice/trackpads that came in 3 different sizes and for both lefties and righties. Can't remember the name though, doubt they survived, which is a shame. My mother is a scriptwriter and lefty and spends all day at her computer, but is reduced to the rsi-inducing apple mice for either hand.

What? No one even mentioned my fav kensington. I particularly like the Studio pro with the slider/scrolling pad in the middle. It also comes as a wireless version. Although "I" am a righty my wife is "Left" so I am familiar with these issues. Dont' forget... the turbomouse software lets you assign functions to the multiple buttons and you can get a kensignton with four buttons and even several finger buttons... see here>>>>

Let the threads roll on... ::evil:: Did I mention that Kensington might have a great mouse for lefties?
Arden, that you haven't seen mouses for lefties is one more hint, you need to get out and around more. :D

I think that ... who is it... Kensington? ;) makes a mouse that is ambidexterous and we had several ergonomically styled mouses (I'm from the Randman School of Philology) for lefties and righties when I was working in Moscow. Personally I can't stand the shaped mouse that is supposed to fit your hand, right or left, but they are out there in the wild.

Sorry lefties, no class action for you! You don't have agrieved status, having a mouse is not a right.
Well you certainly can't fault Apple; their mice have always been symmetrical and single-button. Can't get much more ambidextrous than that...
Well, I don't see anything wrong with making right-handed mice, it IS what the majority of people want. However, I do think these developers should be forced to make a keyboard WITHOUT a right-only mouse bundled, or with no mouse bundled. Preferably the latter since I prefer a wireless keyboard + wired mouse (it's how I like it, it's how I'll have it). The extra bundled mouse with the keyboard is just adding to the price.
IM left handed but only ever used a right handed mouse and now i cant use a left handed mouse :S
i find all mice painful. im exteremely lefty when i need to write with a pen, but on keyboard im ambi. with mouse.. whichever hand is closer. but i HATE "ergonomic" right hand mice. i jsut plain hate them.

like i hate right handed scissors ..

lefties are maybe more creative as as a lefty you have to reinvent how everything works.
Like Ned Flanders on The Simpsons?
MacMan said:
IM left handed but only ever used a right handed mouse and now i cant use a left handed mouse :S
My friend's like that...
Giaguara said:
i HATE "ergonomic" right hand mice. i jsut plain hate them.


I like them a lot more, well at least the modern ones which are a bit more subtle in the ergonomising (i know thats not a word, but am tired...).

If i use the apple pro mouse- i get pain after about an hour.
My mx700- no problems after 12 hours

In general- i don't see that ambi mice are a replacement for ergonomic mice for lefties- they are not as comfortable/easy to use.
So, my question is simple, is it in fact legal for producers to produce mice that fit only right-handed people?

I can't imagine that it isn't; nobody is legally required to make mice of any kind at all...
I'm lefty but always used mice in my right hand. Look at it this way, I can use the mouse and write at the same time. :) But it's true, lefties really get the sh*t end of the stick. Musical instruments, PDA keyboards, lots of stuff.
I'm using a right handed mouse in my laft hand just now and it's a bit annoying but since it isn't my machine, I'm not too bothered. I've never had to use ergo right handed mice very often and my own mice have always been ambi as they've been Apples or more recently I bought a Logitech one which is great. Left handed ergo mice are available, I remember Logitech doing them as far back as maybe 10 years ago. It would be nice to say to whoever supplies you with a PC, "oh its an ergo mouse, can you give me a left handed one, or just a normal one" and I suspect many stores/manufacturers would be happy to do it if you're spending $1000 or whatever on a computer.

However, a class action suit? Absolutely ridiculous. I'm left handed and living in a right handed world bugs me sometimes but what this thread is suggesting is just another example of the riduculous American mindset that encourages people to file law suits over anything and everything. This was mentioned in another thread, and I'm glad to hear that the US legal system is trying to discourage this. A class action suit about left handed mice? It's insane. As I said, apart from the fact that ambi or left handed mice <i>are</i> available, this idea is petty and I'd go so far to say, irresponsible, considering that courts are busy enough as it is.
If we can sue companies for making a righty only mouse, can we also sue companies that make a lefty only mouse? What about sueing a company for not making a mouse to use with your foot for people who have no arms? :)

Now, I can't use any of these damn ergonomic mice, they don't fit my hand. I have really long fingers, and they just dont' feel comfortable, every ergonomic mouse i've used, feels un-ergonomic. Give me a simple mouse, that is the same on each side, with 3 buttons, and i'm a happy camper.

Come to think of it, maybe I should sue companies that only make ergonomic mice because they don't make non-ergonomic mice? :)

Now, this thread is exactly the reason we need tort reform.
