Rio announces 4GB MP3 Player, same price as iPod Mini

Apple is not alone. iPod mini, lower the price, Apple!

Why would Apple lower the price?
Rio Player: manufacturered by Company which has been Bought/Sold/Bought/Sold half a dozen times in the last year, Not Renound for thier high quality of Manufacture
iPod: manufactured by a stable Company and Integrated with The Best Software Music Player on any Operating System. Apple are Renound for thier high quality of Manufacture

I know which MP3 Player I would buy, especially since they cost the same!
Hmm for $50 more (and a slightly bigger package) I can get 11 more GB of storage. Not exactly brain surgery…
cybergoober said:
Hmm for $50 more (and a slightly bigger package) I can get 11 more GB of storage. Not exactly brain surgery…

i don't get it either. for only 50 bucks extra i get 275% more memory in a package that is merely 0.4*0.5*0.12 inches larger???

plus, charging 199 would have kept the pricing theme going (199, 299, 399, 499).

oh well.
Apple's strategy is brilliant and you all fall for it. This iPod is not meant for you, but for the cheap crowd: they'll think just like you. Wait a minute, if I spend 50 bucks more, then I'll get a lot more storage! Hey, another 50 bucks and I get still more storage!! That's how Apple will make you spend $100,- more ... Rather than thinking the iPod mini is priced to high, IMHO the flash player with 256MB memory is priced too high.
Wait and see, prices will drop / capacity will grow. Give it some months.
Well I want an iPod mini because it is about the size of my old Rio Mp3 player that stored a whopping 8 songs. Required me to buy more memory which i did not like. Even cheap people hate paying $100-200 for memory upgrades to their $250 player.
I only have about 4.49 GB of songs and most of them are my brother's.
I suppose the original idea of the iPod is that you switch out songs every few months and keep the bulk of your music collection in iTunes. If you need the extra storage for photos..etc. good for you.
There's at least one other large thread about this. The mini is competitive at its price (see Rio) and it's marketed differently from the other iPods. The argument that you can get so much more storage for however much more money isn't really applicable, it's about the different form factor more than anything.
i maybe outdated... and im too lazy to search the forum...

have u guys heard about the iPod batery lifetime ? i heard that the batery can't be changed... meaning that u need to get a new iPod once the batery is dead...

please tell me that is just a joke by some anti-apple guys...
^ The battery IS replaceable, but you're in for a challenge if you wanna do it yourself. Apple will do it for you if your have the warranty or Apple Care. Those guys who made that video had an iPod which had died after 18 months, warranty ran out at 12 months.
For you to pay for Apple to replace tha battery, the price would be higher than if you simply bought a new iPod.
voice- said:
For you to pay for Apple to replace tha battery, the price would be higher than if you simply bought a new iPod.
Not quite, it was slightly lower (50$ or so) just you get more by actually replacing it when you consider the increased storage. Now they're offering some replacement special for around $100.
Actually, using the 50$ batteries from the 3rd party vendor includes a tool needed to crack open the case and instructions for replacement. It isn't as much of a challenge as one would think...
ah i see... but hey... the battery can last for 18 months... that's kewl.... atleast buying the replacement battery once a year dosn't hurt so much... isn't it...
Remember that 18 months is NOT the norm. An LiIon battery is good for at least 500 charges on average... this guy must have been doing a nearly-full recharge EVERY DAY to have it die that quickly. Most people, including myself, don't recharge that often. Even charging every other day will give you a battery life of a good 4 years almost.
I truly hope that the iPod mini fails for no other reason that Steve Jobs has once again missed the mark on pricing. Yeah, it may be easily connected to the easiest to operate (iTunes) syncing utility on the planet, and iTMS may have some good tunes, more added daily, but this close-minded "Apple culture" that's just a hair off of being "snobbish" - sorry folks, being snobbish isn't anything new - then I truly hope that the skittle iPod fails.

Or at least finally drops it's price just a simple 50.00 so that it at least makes sense in the scheme of things; as it stands, it's at the wrong price point.

Now, pertaining the Rio... well, I don't like it either.
Hey, it's what I feel. My opinion counts as much as the the next consumer.

Yet, it's real nice how you ignored my reasons that were in that same paragraph.

In otherwords... if it does well, it's great. If Apple drops the price and it sells tons, great. But to ignore that Apple consistently misses the price mark on some items is to remain blind.

Yet another opinion. Take it as you wish.
So you think the eMac should go for $400 and the G5 shouldn't be more than $2000? Me too, but Apple is notorious for charging a premium for high-quality goods. And I doubt the minis will remain at $250 forever; in fact, I think they will become the iPod line and be priced accordingly.
At the risk of sounding like I'm about to contradict myself; the eMac is at a good price point imho. and the G5's are actually at sweet spot too for what you get. Granted, a fully decked out G5 Dually top-o'-line will force you to dig deeply into your pockets, it's a value for what it is.

But here it is, they really need some entry level machines that will do battle with the 800.00 Dell/Gateway/Sony at Best Buy. A small-ish G4 at a decent price point without a monitor involved would be great and almost a quick seller. Heck, I'd buy four at that price to make sure Apple would understand that that is what people would want.

But the skittle iPod is just a bit off in entry price. And I say this as an early adopter of the iPod that's had 4 of them to date.