Strobe, I love you like a brother, so don't take it too hard when I say - you're wrong.
There's an important distinction between hardware and software, anyone can unlock that floppy, therefore the floppy lives in a single user kind of reality, everyone who touches it is it's owner. Files are not so much the same, and the issue I'm having is because I live in a massively multi-user universe, and I'm controlling a machine that other people avidly use. Here's the problem:
Dave no longer uses my machine, so, no big deal, I'll just throw his stuff away. My user account doesn't have permissions to throw away his stuff. If it were a floppy it'd already be gone. So I pop over into the god account for the machine and I should be able to clear that up right? After all, I own this machine! Nope, not even as root can I get rid of his files. This is a gross violation of standards if I were to try to run scripts and expect them to work or anything to that effect. Without knowing Dave's password, there's no reasonable way for me to delete his now abandoned files!
I don't know Dave's password, nor do I ever want to, so it is essential that if I can be root, that I can do things. As it is right now, I wouldn't have permissions to unlock the file even if there were a command. It's a new, confusing, and counterproductive addition to an already complex permissions set. And as it is now, it's a show-stopping productivity halting gaffe in CLUI. ... and how dare you acuse me of being of unix descent. I'm a mac user who was taught to program on Suns. so there