Rugby union


Who here is interested in rugby union
and who will win the world cup?

(NZ will win GO BLACK)
england, you know that team that beat oz and the kiwis the last 2 times we played them. and the world no. 1. and the team with johnny wilkinson.
Yes but the 1st time you beat us we had a b team and the 2nd time was our first game together of the season
Rugby is the best sport. I'm going for england though, they've always been #1 in my book.
Aus is at a disadvantage with Kefu out.

But they'll still whip ass!! It's in Australia.
Hey, speaking of brother's going there in October. :D

Is rugby really big out there? I wish it was big in the US. But alas...we're wimps. :(
At the moment it is the biggest I've seen it. Pretty big. Although now that we're not #1 people are starting to forget it a little, but they are also getting pumped for the world cup next month.

Your brother should love it. It is a top place to live and visit.

Go Aus!!
Well my Mom's thinking about moving us there when my brother gets back. :) So we'll see how that goes down. If we do move there I hope to get involved in rugby. :D
living in the US i only get to watch Rugby on cable once in a while but its awesome, i like the team that chants and dances before each game, New Zealand i believe
Yes the haka a traditional dance done by the maori. thats my fav team to, here in NZ we have a 24hr rugby chanalle :)