Rumor: 10.1.5 in development?


Registered is reporting that 10.1.5 is already in development.

Mac OS X Update 10.1.5 delivers enhancements which improve the reliability of Mac OS X applications, delivers improved networking, security, and expanded peripheral device support. Specific improvements include:

Peripheral Device Support:
-Expanded support for new Canon digital cameras
-Improved support for Nikon FireWire cameras
-Expanded support for SmartDisk, EZQuest, and LaCie disc recording devices
-Improved support for MO drives

Application Improvements:
-Increased stability of Mail and Sherlock
-Emails are properly retained when rebuilding the Draft mailbox
-Updated Carbon applications can use Quartz anti-aliasing technology for high quality text display

Networking and Security Improvements:
-Improves networking via AFP when accessing multi-level directories on Windows NT file servers
-Significant improvement to file searching on local and remote volumes
-Mail accounts go off-line to indicate that SSL encryption settings are not supported by the mail server

WebDAV Improvements:
-More efficient iDisk mounting and file navigation
-Added support for connecting to iDisk using default DNS settings of AirPort
-Support for mounting a WebDAV volume from a non-standard http port

Asian Language Improvements:
-Significant updates to the Korean Input Method, especially important when using AppleWorks
-Internet Connect and Airport applications updated with Chinese and Korean localized content

I, personally, would have thought that we'd go from 10.1.4 to 10.2, like how we went from 10.0.4 to 10.1, but I guess Apple may not be following a static sub-version system
Thats interesting. That looks like a lot of features for a 10.1.x release, but too little for a 10.x release. I'm kind of doubtful about it.
Originally posted by googolplex
Thats interesting. That looks like a lot of features for a 10.1.x release, but too little for a 10.x release. I'm kind of doubtful about it.

I thought it was a lot of features at first, too. But then I thought about it: What it 10.1.5 is the last update before 10.2, so they really want to feature pack it to hold us over for a while? Also, it may help satisfy people overseas who will have a longer wait to get 10.2, like how a lot had trouble finding 10.1 for over a month after it was released in the US.

Any thoughts?
That could be justification to charge for spring loaded folders. A lot of people consider 10.2 still just a bug catch so if they fix bugs and then up the price people would be willing to pay.

Then on the otherhand, why would people want to pay for something when they have sparkly new features to marvel at? If it weren't for the fact that we just got 10.1.4 and 10.2 is due soon I might believe this but as it is, I don't think it's actually 10.1.5 but maybe 10.2 or 10.2.1 development.

Remember that it is just rumor and the rumor is just refering to development so a lot of things can change.
If it doesn't fix the speed problems I have in most of my apps (every web browser and the MS Office suite) then it doesn't do much for me.
It makes sense that 10.1.5 would be in development, as 10.2 probably won't be here until MWNY or later. I wouldn't be surprised if late August, early September ends up as 10.2's release date.

That said, I believe the part about 10.1.5 adding built in quartz anti-aliasing to Carbon apps is wrong. That feature is set for 10.2, and I doubt Apple would release it early...
X.1.5 has been seeding for a no secret they re working on X.1.5....and it is normal considering that X.2 preview will be presented probably in may... so we won't see X.2 Final till July....
Did it strike anyone else as really odd that the 10.1.4 update was only 2.2 MB in size?

Because of that fact alone, I'm inclined to believe that 10.1.5 is in development already. Apple must have much more to fix than what they did in 10.1.4.
I hope it will improve the search times on my iMac, it's SLOW when it comes to file searching.

However, I haven't ever indexed my HD or defragged it. XD

As for the anti-aliased fonts, YES! :D I love anti-aliased fonts, they're a must ;) So easy to read. ::drool::

Thing is though, do you think that someone else is working on the expanded support for those third-party devices? I don't think Apple would be doing that.. :confused:
Yea, it is still 2001. Btw, I have found another new thing:


It should be lighter but dimming while I captured it.

It is actually the same as Brightness/Volumn icons.