Running a standard tool


Mac Graduate
Hi... I managed to create a standard tool comprising of my c code, but I can't run it from the finder. when i run it from within project builder, the order in which it executes commands is not right. for example, if i ask the user to input a value, and then print it on the screen, then when i run the program, it just sits there waiting for an input, and after i input something, it says "Enter a value" then "The value is..."

help me out..
You have to run a standard tool in the terminal. You can't run it from the Finder. Also, running it from Project Builder probably isn't allowing you to enter any input.
I don't know if I'm getting right what you are trying to do but for example in order to load/run/start Calculator or Chess from the Terminal you must type the following into the Terminal:
open /Applications/
open /Applications/
Naw, because what he made isn't a *.app, hulk.

You need to navigate to the build directory for the project in the terminal.

cd /path/to/build/directory

Then you can execute the standard tool by doing


(That ./ tells the terminal to execute the file in the same directory you are'll need it)
1) chmod +x toolname
2) ./toolname

chmod to make it executable.

If that does not work, post the source code here (or a link) and we will try to help you.